
Each treatment is tailored to the individuals current skincare concerns at the time of service:


This crystal microdermabrasion machine has a turbo flow and spiral rotation handpiece which creates a steady even pattern of clean, fine crystals with every swipe to the skin. The technician can control the speed of the crystal output which determines the quality of the abrasion as well as facilitating the intensity of the vaccuum. This electronic calibration system allows us to treat every area of the skin and body with precision and efficacy.

LED Light Therapy & Microcurrent Technology

These satellites work with the epidermis, dermis and the muscle. All the satellites work with LED lights and some in conjunction with microcurrents. The Kinelift satellites work to soothe, repair and regenerate the skin. They also aide in Lymphatic drainage which cleans out the toxins and purifies the lymph. Purelight satellites work with acne and photo therapy to heal, cleanse bacteria and lighten dark spots. Lastly, the Dermalift satellites work with collagen synthesis, stimulating your natural growth hormone giving you immediate lifting and firming results.

Chemical Peels

The layering process of our peels bring about cellular renewal allowing vital ingredients to reach deeper levels. These peels consist of acids and enzymes which condition the skin for internal change in turn speeding up the cell turnover process. Some benefits of our peels include lightening of age spots and hyperpigmentation, reducing inflammation and acne breakouts, decreasing dilated capillaries and scarring, erasing fine lines and wrinkles as well as firming, plumping, contouring and re-texturizing.

More offered

Gua Sha Facial Fusion®️from Cecily Braden paired with nutrient dense wildcrafted whole plant product lines. Products used in
all treatment room services are from Danica’s laboratory as well as PNW farms for organic and distilled herbs and oils. Highly efficacious and chirally correct (clinical grade) delivery systems, advanced massage techniques combining eastern & western styles for microcirculation, lymphatic drainage, stagnant blood & connective tissue movement, fascia and tension release often paired with some Acupressure point massage. Ultrasonic devices and high frequency modalities with thermal heat options for product penetration, acne and immediate skin firming.
Deep cleansing, thorough skin analysis, steam with extractions,
and nutrient dense masks accompany all basic treatments.